Moose 127

Answers:  A, C and D


If there is a counter situation (in a restaurant), Australians queue up or stand in line for service, or defer to people they know were there before them.


Chinese do not form queues. They accept being crowded together and will often use their bodies to push and shove in a crowd, but they are uneasy about being touched with a hand. Touching indicates considerable familiarity.


The Irish wait in line, also known as queueing, patiently and in an orderly fashion.

United Kingdom:

Some general rules of personal conduct follow.  Be ready to stand in lines - queues - for anything from groceries to train tickets to newspapers. Do not "jump the queue" - cut in.

From Living Abroad’s Reports on Australia, China, Ireland, and UK. (Social Customs/Personal Conduct).

Written by Michael Cadden, SGMS-T, VP International Operations

Business Traveler London

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